Car Sale Decline Expected for Brand New and Second Hand

Brand New and Second Hand

In a time where finances are much of a burden, people are turning towards public transportation to get to their point of destination. For the time being the economy is on a turnstile, and sacrifices which include that using your own car is not only a necessity but an option. Through all of this, you have to wonder how cars will fare. This covers both brand-new and second-hand vehicles in the market. In short, to gain extra income for rising expenses, selling your car may be an option. But that is if someone will buy it.

Through the years we have seen a lot of Filipinos buying second-hand cars like the usual Toyota Corolla, Honda Civic, or even the Mazda 323. But today, people have stayed away from them, seeing them as additional expenses as far as fuel and car maintenance are concerned. On average you can expect to spend at least PHP 5,000.00 on a car for maintenance while gasoline varies depending on your destination. And no thanks to the regular price increases, people are left with nothing much to spend on gas these days.

Brand New

For the brand new vehicles, who in his right mind can afford to spare on the average PHP 700,000.00 to PHP 1,000,000 on a car these days? They can always use the financial assistance from banks but can you handle the monthly amortization that ranges from PHP12,000.00 to PHP25,000.00 a month? That is like spending rent on an apartment and perhaps your monthly utilities and groceries already. The point here is that cars are a luxury. While we all want to live in it, we just have to face the fact that now is not a great time to pursue it. We can dream of buying a car. But let us wait for the right time to do it.

Drive Now, Text Later

If there is one thing familiar to you these days, it is that of banning the use of mobile phones while driving. It has become customary to answer calls or text messages regardless if you are on the road. Through this, the growing number of car accidents has swelled mainly because a single second of taking your eyes off the road can lead to dire consequences which most drivers today totally disregard.

This is a habit that should be corrected. Drivers know that this should not be done and yet they continue to disregard such. Keeping your eyes on the road is a must and this includes being on a full stop or the move. People claim that they need to answer their messages or calls but perhaps they should consider what would happen if they bump into another car or worst, a person due to their hard-headedness.To date, there have been laws where drivers who use their mobile phones will be apprehended. Not a bad way to make people stop texting while driving. But what if they are using a heavily dark-tinted vehicle? How will the traffic enforcers or police be able to know if the people are indeed using their phones while they are on the go?

The sad thing about society is that people always want to live on the forbidden side. Texting while driving is something that doesn’t need to be enforced by law. But since people are so enthusiastic about using their phones while driving, more lives are being claimed by the day. Hopefully, though it will not be yours.